Friday, October 2, 2009


If you want to see a great story, rent a copy of Fireproof.

Fireproof stars Kirk Cameron, the adolescent star of Growing Pains. If you grew up in the 80’s, you’ll also remember Cameron from the cover of nearly every teenage magazine.

The movie has something for everyone: romance, fire, explosions, heart-pounding action, surprise, hot sauce, and a great storyline. Even your kids can watch it without you having to worry about scrambling for the remote to get through the uncomfortable scenes.

Although the movie has an unbeatable message, there is also a story behind the story.

Fireproof grossed over $33 million in theaters alone with another $25 million in DVD sales. More importantly, they did it on just a $500,000 budget. Unless your name is Bernie Madoff, you probably have never received such a high return on your (or someone else’s) money.

Fireproof was produced by Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. With only a half-million-dollar production budget, you would easily expect this film to be second-rate. It’s not. In fact, there’s nothing second-rate about any of it.

So as you think about your own ability to make your dreams come true, think about what one church did with just ordinary people like you and me. So why not get started?

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